The Last Wild Strawberries

The Last Wild Strawberries

May I report
That this summer I managed
To pick hardly any wild strawberries
Making them into a nice bouquet (green-and-red)
And in your style I?ll leave it to dry
For brewing healthful teas
Just now the strawberry bouquet graces the fireplace
Spreading its unique aroma
Forever linked to you…

I promise you too
That today before evenfall
I?ll make a similar bouquet with fresh
Raspberry stems
Their fruit I ate at will
In a forest clearing
I also plucked limetree flowers
(you reminded every year to pick them)
And the tree by a field path
Still looks like a swarming beehive

And I already now invite you, mum
To drink strawberry-raspberry-lime flower winter teas…

Miodowko, 7 July 2008